
Cervifert Capsule contains Elemental Calcium - 53.2 mg, Grape Seed Extract - 34 mg, L-arginine - 266.7 mg, Lactobacillus acidophilus - 0.5 billion CFU, N-Acetylcysteine - 200 mg, and Vitamin C - 33.35 mg.
Role of key ingredients:
Elemental calcium plays a vital role in the growth of skin cells and prevents it from damage.
Grape seed extract is an antioxidant that heals skin injuries.
L-arginine is a nitric acid that helps improve blood circulation and relaxes the blood vessels.
Lactobacillus acidophilus prevents skin disorders such as conker sores and blisters.
N-Acetylcysteine nourishes the skin.
Vitamin C is the most essential component for the health and growth of skin cells.
USES OF Wincorec-CL
Cervifert Capsule helps in the treatment of scurvy.
Directions of use:
Take Cervifert Capsule orally with water.
Use under medical supervision.